- The content of the site must be readable using default standard system fonts. The Latin system fonts include Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet and Georgia. The Arabic system fonts are Simplified Arabic, Traditional Arabic, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana and Arial.
- Any of the specified Latin system font may be used bearing in mind that:
- Verdana, Georgia and Trebuchet have been especially designed to be read from a screen.
- Most users have Arial and Verdana installed on their machines.
- Sans-serif fonts (such as Arial) are more legible than serif fonts (such as Times New Roman).
- Any of the specified Arabic system fonts may be used as they support the special cases in the special cases in the Arabic language such as diacritics and alif hamza, rootword, and the unique way one letter is written based on its position in the word (beginning, middle, or end).
- Arabic fonts must be tested on all major browsers to avoid any inconsistency (loss of page structure and layout).
- Text must be resizable without any loss of content or functionality and without the use of assistive technologies. See section Assistive Technologies
- Text that needs to use a different font style (for branding reasons for instance) may be used as an image but an “alt” text must be provided with the same content. See section Text Alternatives for Non-Text Content.
- Text must be readable not only in electronic format but also in print format, and must fit correctly on A4 size papers.
- A consistent font style (type, size and color) must be maintained for headings, titles, sub-titles and main body text.
- The number of font styles may be limited to one or two in order to preserve a consistency across the website.
- Italic fonts and capital characters should be avoided in the main body text as they perturb legibility.
Last updated on: 01/30/2012 - 11:42 AM