Republic of Lebanon

Copyright Policy

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The protection of intellectual property rights on Internet is one of the most important challenges on which numerous laws and international conventions and treaties have been adopted. It relates mainly to an infringement of the copyright (either illegal copying or unauthorized access and use); the domain names through which copyright or trademark infringements can occur and where the offences are either piracy of copyrighted works (downloading illegal copies of songs); and the cyber-squatting defined as the Registration, trafficking in, or using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.

Within that context, the main aspects of copyright infringements in cyberspace can be categorized as follows: Downloads from and uploads to the Internet; Databases, which can receive copyright protection for the selection and arrangement of content; Computer programs, whereby conversions of a program into or between computer languages and codes correspond to adapting a work; and storing any work in a computer amounts to copying that work. In addition, running a computer program or displaying work on a video display unit will usually involve copying and therefore require the consent of the copyright owner.

Considering the kind of the data that will be disseminated on the official (governmental) websites, the main challenge remains copyright infringement. Thus, all information available under the Lebanese government websites must be supported by a proper copyright policy that protects original works conveying information and put up on an official website, excepting the legal exclusions and exceptions. It is implied these works may be copied, reproduced, republished, transmitted, distributed and posted only if the copyright policy of the website allows so.

Thus, a proper copyright policy must explain the terms and conditions of the use. Following the kind of the information available on said website, the copyright policy could be liberal, moderate or conservative. It is recommended that the government opt for a liberal copyright policy to meet the goal of providing the information freely to the citizens such as creative commons licenses.

Recommended license and disclaimer:
“All content on this website is protected by a Creative Commons Attribution License. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit the original author for the original creation.
Last updated on: 01/30/2012 - 02:15 PM

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