Service Level Agreement (SLA)
should be established between the government entities and both the hosting provider and the application providers if these are third parties that the entity has chosen to work with.
Hosting Provider SLA
A proper SLA
must be defined with the hosting provider in order to highlight the rules that
should govern the relationship specifically in regards to the website including maintenance, response time, down time, upgrading, escalation procedure among many other hosting-related settings.
Application Provider SLA
- A proper SLA with the application provider must also be defined in order to define the rules that should govern the application provider in regards to the web application in terms of maintenance, upgrading, bug fixing, response time, and escalation procedure among other application-related settings.
- Should a government entity choose to work with third party providers for its website, this document must be shared with that party in order to ensure that it is aware of the presence of the websites standards and guidelines and that the end product will be compliant with the standards and guidelines. Application providers will also be able to make use of the tools provided within the webmasters design toolkit.