Republic of Lebanon


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Hyperlinks Strategy


OMSAR Policy on Linking To Other Websites:

The following policy was developed to ensure consistency in OMSAR’s approach to linking its website with websites managed by other organizations. Links from the OMSAR website to another website will be allowed for the relevant Lebanese administration bodies, agencies and departments. There is no need for OMSAR to seek the approval or cooperation of any other governmental body, agency or administration in order to link to that body’s website. Links from OMSAR website to another organization’s website will not be undertaken for commercial purposes whatsoever.

Links to websites not under the control of OMSAR are provided solely for the convenience of users. OMSAR is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or the reliability of the content. OMSAR does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse the sites and their content.

Policy on Linking To OMSAR Websites:

OMSAR appreciates being notified of any hyperlink to this website. Please inform OMSAR if you intend to link to this site by e-mailing to: When linking to OMSAR website ensure that OMSAR as a trademark cannot be displayed on your website. Ensure as well that the hyperlinks you insert in your website cannot be misinterpreted as having the support and the approval of OMSAR. You can only insert a hyperlink pointing to the OMSAR home page You are not allowed to place a direct hyperlink to any other page within the OMSAR website.

Last updated on: 12/29/2011 - 12:42 PM

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