Government websites/web documents/pages/forms
should be validated for compliance against the following published standards: HTML 4.01,
XHTML 1.0 and
XML 1.0.
- Web pages should be tested for compliance with validation tools such as W3C Markup Validation Service.
- Government websites pages must include an indicative document title in the title tag.
- Web pages titles structure must be consistent.
< title >About the Ministry | Ministry of Tourism< /title >
< title >Touristic Destinations | Ministry of Tourism< /title >
- Section headings (H1 - H6) must be used to create structured documents and break up long stretches of text.
- Structural grouping tags may be used to divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where appropriate.
FIELDSET for grouping form controls
OPTGROUP to group options in selection lists
THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, and COLGROUP to group table rows and columns
- List tags (UL and OL) should be used to create lists.
- The main natural language of the document should be indicated in the “html” tag.
< HTML lang="ar" > of an HTML document written in Arabic...< /HTML >
- If content in different languages is used on one page, it must be clearly identified by using the "lang" attribute.
Text in English < SPAN lang="fr" >texte en française< /SPAN >...
- The proper character set encoding of the page should be specified in the meta tags.
UTF-8 would be used to support Arabic and other Unicode characters:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- Use of framesets (FRAMESET and FRAME tags) must be avoided.
- IFRAME elements may be used where needed, especially for embedding content from an external website or source.