Republic of Lebanon

On-site and Off-site Banner Advertising

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  • A government entity may choose to make use of banners in order to advertise a specific public service, product and/or major events etc.
  • A government entity may choose to exchange websites’ banners with other governmental entities.
  • A government entity must obtain appropriate permissions before advertising for members of the public sector or any of their services as per the Lebanese laws regulating this area.
  • Banners may vary in style, size and shape. They might, as well, serve a variety of applications.
  • “Ad Unit Guidelines” that are issued and updated by the “Internet Advertising Bureau” (IAB) should be followed. For a complete list of the standard Ad Units as well as their guidelines please check: Internet Advertising Bureau. "Ad Unit Guidelines". Web. 28 January 2011
Last updated on: 10/12/2011 - 03:21 PM

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