Directory Structure
The folder containing the HTML templates is called PagesAndComponents. Following are the sub-folders in the PagesAndComponents folder:
- Common: Elements common to most pages and components
- Components: Separate re-usable elements, organized in folders containing all required files for each
- HomePages: HTML files of the homepage variations
- SubPages: Common templates and inside pages, organized in folders containing all required files for each
- Themes: Contains the CSS and images needed for the different color themes
Common Elements
Structure of the Common folder:
- Functions: JavaScript files used in all pages, including the jQuery library
- Images: Common images
- Styles: Common CSS Style sheets
Directory containing all components source files: PagesAndComponents\Components\HTML\
Folder Structure
Files for each component are grouped in one folder, with the following structure:
- [Component name].html: The HTML of that component
- Functions: JavaScript file(s) used for. This might be an empty folder if the component uses no additional scripts
- Images: Images specifically used in that component
- Styles: Contains the CSS file(s)
Example: Using a Horizontal Listing Element
To use a horizontal listing element in a page you have to do the following:
- Copy the HTML found in this file: Components\HTML\HorizontalListing\html\horizontal-listing.html
- Copy the images from this folder: Components\HTML\HorizontalListing\html\images
- Copy the following CSS file: Components\HTML\HorizontalListing\html\styles\horizontal-listing.css
- No custom JavaScript is required for this component, so no additional files need to be copied
Templates and Pages
- Homepage variations:PagesAndComponents\HomePages
- Sub page templates:PagesAndComponents\SubPages
Example: Using a Photos Listing Page
To use a photos listing page you have to do the following:
- Copy this HTML file: SubPages\PhotosListing\html\photos-listing.html
- Copy the following CSS file: SubPages\PhotosListing\html\styles\photolisting.css
- No custom images are required for this page, so no additional files need to be copied
- No custom JavaScript is required for this page, so no additional files need to be copied
Three color variation themes are provided in the following directory: PagesAndComponents\Themes
Folder Structure
Each theme folder structure is similar to the following:
- Images: Images specifically used in that theme
- [Theme name].css: The CSS file containing the theme style definitions
Changing the Theme
Following are the steps needed to change the theme of your website:
- Copy a theme folder from the above directory to your styles folder. Add a link tag in your pages head that is similar to the following:
< link href="[path to css file of the theme]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />